3 Upcoming Fisheries Meetings Worth Paying Attention To
We’re on the brink of the holiday season and most of us are busy roasting turkey and sweet potato casserole — or whatever — as we gather around the table to celebrate with friends and family. But don’t let the overload of tryptophan have you sleeping on these upcoming fisheries meetings.
There are 3 important meetings for Homer and Lower Cook Inlet fisheries happening immediately after Thanksgiving this year. It may be charter fishing off season, but per usual the Homer Charter Association has been busy wading through fish policy and proposals hoping to keep ahead of the ever-changing regulatory landscape.
1. Town hall meeting on bycatch with ADF&G Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang
When: 6:30 p.m. Monday, November 27, 2023.
Where: Land’s End Resort, 4786 Homer Spit Road in Homer, AK.
Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang will be in Homer this week ahead of the Board of Fisheries meeting to host a town hall meeting about bycatch.
There is not an expressed agenda for the meeting, but according to this ADF&G press release: “Bycatch occurs in all fisheries and managers must balance many conservation and economic factors when establishing regulations. Attend this town hall meeting with ADF&G Commissioner Vincent-Lang to share your idea for strengthening Gulf of Alaska fishery management programs to support sustainable fisheries and communities.
Useful links:

2. ADF&G Board of Fisheries meeting Lower Cook Inlet Finfish
When: November 28 – December 1.
Where: Land’s End Resort, 4786 Homer Spit Road in Homer, AK.
The Alaska Board of Fisheries is meeting in Homer this week to discuss numerous proposals related to specifically to fisheries in Lower Cook Inlet. In all there are 42 proposals the board will consider.
The deadline to submit a written comment to the board was November 13, but you can still give testimony in person at the beginning of the meeting. According to the agenda, public testimony will likely take place during the day on Tuesday, November 28 before breaking off into committees to review related proposals.
Most proposals related to Cook Inlet charter fishing will be covered by committee working Group 1 (king salmon) and Group 2 (groundfish). See the BOF’s “roadmap” for the meeting for a more detailed breakdown.
The Homer Charter Association has written letters related to a few key proposals worth paying attention to:
Letter for Proposal 9 — HCA supports raising the guideline harvest level for the Lower Cook Inlet winter king fishery to align with historical harvest rates and usage.
Letter for Proposal 18 — HCA opposes separating pelagic and non-pelagic rockfish harvests since it will likely lead to increased fishing pressure on non-pelagic species.
Letter for Proposal 23 — After initially proposing a 1 lingcod per angler limit, the HCA has voted to now oppose changing the lingcod limits after additional analysis and a vote by HCA members. ADF&G data shows area lingcod are being harvested at a sustainable rate and changes to regulations are not needed.
Useful links:
- Board of Fisheries’ Lower Cook Inlet Finfish meeting agenda
- PDF of all 42 proposals being considered by the BOF
- BOF roadmap for meeting
- HCA letter for Proposal 9
- HCA letter for Proposal 18
- HCA letter for Proposal 23
3. North Pacific Fishery Management Council annual meeting in Anchorage
When: December 4 – 12.
Where: Hilton Hotel, 500 W. 3rd Ave, Anchorage, AK.
Fast on the heals of the Board of Fisheries meeting in Homer, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) will be meeting in Anchorage Dec. 4-12 to discuss a number of things, including making decisions on 2024 halibut charter fishing regulations. Whatever outcomes from NPFMC will go on to the International Pacific Halibut Commission for final consideration during its meeting January 22-26 in Anchorage.
Written comments for NPFMC agenda items are being accepted through December 1 at midnight.
The most critical NPFMC meetings for the charter sector will take place early during the conference. According to this DRAFT agenda (subject to change), the Charter Halibut Management Committee will meet on Dec. 6, 8a.m.-12p.m. in the council offices. Following the management committee’s decisions, the NPFMC Advisory Panel will likely meet the following day, Dec. 7, to consider the issues before making recommendations to the full Council for final action.
If you are an HCA member interested in attending the NPFMC conference, feel free to send us an email hca99603 at gmail dot com, or talk to one of the HCA board members about opportunities.
Useful links: