Homer Charter Association

Latest Past Events

North Pacific Fishery Management Council Meeting

Hilton Anchorage 500 W 3rd Ave, Anchorage

For details visit the NPFMC website: https://www.npfmc.org/current-or-next-council-meeting/  Live stream and archived NPFMC meetings: https://www.youtube.com/@npfmclive4407/streams Three-meeting outlook with topics: https://www.npfmc.org/three-meeting-outlook/

North Pacific Fishery Management Council Meeting

Hilton Anchorage 500 W 3rd Ave, Anchorage

For details visit the NPFMC website: https://www.npfmc.org/current-or-next-council-meeting/  Live stream and archived NPFMC meetings: https://www.youtube.com/@npfmclive4407/streams Three-meeting outlook with topics: https://www.npfmc.org/three-meeting-outlook/